Michael Sparks

Richmonders: receive exclusive invitations and more... it's free!

Why do you love Richmond?

Diversity that lives and works together harmoniously!

What’s your favorite thing to do in Richmond?

Support our local farmers market and growers.

What do you do here? 

Owner/designer/creative director @ Micheal Sparks Design/The Underground Kitchen/Pop Up Revolution

What’s your favorite restaurant?

This is hard but if your talking about overall experience and food Dutch and Co...

What would you tell somebody who has never been to Richmond before?

Shhhh! Let's keep it a secret... My friends visit from all over the world and I can never get them to leave

What's your favorite store?

Another hard question but this is how it breaks down:
Food/Yellow Umbrella
Fashion/Shockoe Denim
Furniture/All the mid-century shops and dealers in town

How do you spend your free time?

Free time? What's that? But when I do restaurant hopping...

What's your favorite neighborhood?

Museum District of course.. Duh

How do you describe your community?

A community on the verge of something "big"