David & Phil
Phil Crosby and David Ballas. Photo by Michael Simon.
When you visit One Love and admire the photo of David Ballas and Phil Crosby, you’ll see the story of a family and two collaborators. The couple sits poised on a set designed by David, an interior designer, in a theater where Phil is executive director.
That theater company, Richmond Triangle Players, has brought vibrant LGBT-focused arts into the community for almost 25 years.
As for David and Phil? The two had their first date watching Ellen Degeneres’ historic coming out episode twenty years ago. “Basically from there, we’ve been together since,” Phil said. “Within two weeks, we were spending each night together.”
Legally as Phil says, the couple was not considered equal to others in terms of love and commitment. Thankful for the change, the couple understands family is both the one you’re born into and the one that you choose as the One Love exhibit show.
“What blew me away at that exhibit was the breadth of families represented. It even opened my eyes a little bit,” Phil said. “Each of them done with such respect, such love and such care for the families involved.”
Richmond has a culture of letting people be people according to Phil. Both were impressed with the time photographer Michael Simon gave to the photo shoot.
“Artists do reflect society and expand their own vision of the world in doing what they do," he said. Michael’s world was enhanced by doing this work and our worlds were enhanced as well.”
See One Love: LGBT Families through September 4, 2017 at the Valentine, 1015 E. Clay St.